iwis solutions for chains in corrosive applications

01. Jul 2020 | iwis drive systems

From small challenges to extreme operating conditions

In many applications, chain drives are challenged to operate in corrosive environments. Liquid or gaseous media can have a considerable impact on the service life and product safety of chains. Anti-corrosion protection is therefore one of the most important parameters when choosing an appropriate chain solution.

The iwis portfolio comprises a wide range of anti-corrosion chains which offer the ideal solution for practically every application. We distinguish between our corrosion-free, corrosion-resistant and corrosion-protected chains which help ensure optimum running and wear behaviour thanks to their different technical product characteristics. 

Corrosion-free chains

Specially selected chromium steels ensure that the CF stainless steel chains have the best possible level of anti-corrosion protection. Alongside humidity, CF chains can also withstand acids, alkalis and even extreme temperatures from -80 °C to +400 °C! 
Stainless steel chains are at no risk from coating particles released through abrasion and are ideal for sensitive applications
and applications with high hygiene requirements. 

Corrosion-resistant chains

The highly alloyed, hardened chromium steel gives JWIS CR chains their high level of corrosion resistance and also makes them considerably stronger than the iwis CF chains. This permits more compact dimensions, e.g. when installation space is limited. 

Corrosion-protected chains

A range of proven and newly developed high-tech coatings protect iwis chains from corrosive attacks. 
The user can then choose from one of iwis’s coated chain solutions based on the required resistance level and application parameters, for example resistance to vapours, humidity and aggressive media 


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