Markus Ferber, Member of the European Parliament for the CSU, visits iwis smart connect in Rieden!

19. Jun 2023 | iwis smart connect

Markus Ferber visited the company "iwis smart connect GmbH" in Allgäu, which was recently awarded as Top Innovator 2023, to get an overview of the upcoming challenges.


Together with the mayor of the municipality of Rieden Andreas Haug, the management discussed the major challenges ranging from energy supply to labor shortages and the issues of sustainable business development.

During the tour of the company, Markus Ferber expressed his high regard for professionalism, innovation, future orientation and sustainability.


iwis smart connect is the market leader in the contacting technology. Especially in the field of green energy, e-mobility and other industries.


Almost 500 employees work at the Rieden plant. A new customer and development center was recently inaugurated.


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