Our Board of Directors and Executive Management
Our Board of Directors and Executives run the company with responsibility and a strong emphasis on value orientation, thus sustainably adding to the value of the company itself. Through a consistent use of numerous synergies and
efficient brand management, the directors safeguard the overall success of our company. At home and around the globe.
„Success requires an efficient structure.“

Dipl.-Kfm. Johannes Winklhofer (Group CEO)
Overall strategy and corporate development / Corporate communications / Mergers & Acquisitions / Legal / Group Technologies / Human Resources / Compliance / Health & Safety / Environmental Protection

Dipl.-Kfm. Uwe Kastner (Group CFO)
Finance / Controlling / IT / Digitalisation

Dr. Frank Mitzschke
Division Industry / Drive systems

Eric Schill
Division Industry / Drive systems

Jürgen Fochler
iwis smart connect / iwis e-tec

Holger Bodenstein
iwis smart connect / iwis e-tec

Dipl.-Ing. Frank Wiemer
Division mobility systems

Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Quittkat
Division mobility systems / Plant Operations Germany and International / Logistics