iwis is one of the 20 most family-friendly companies in Bavaria!
30. Jun 2023 | iwis

Munich, June 2023. iwis is committed to a family-friendly corporate culture and offers family-friendly measures, whether flexible working time models, support with childcare or in care situations, family-friendly working conditions. Because we know: A family-conscious personnel policy has become a decisive success factor.
The company competition "Erfolgreich.Familienfreundlich" (Successful.Family-friendly) recognizes this commitment and awards prizes to the 20 most family-friendly companies in Bavaria.
iwis serves as a positive example of this and is intended to motivate other companies to get involved as well.
The competition is organized by the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy together with the Bavarian State Ministry for Family Affairs, Labor and Social Affairs. It is an initiative within the framework of the Bavarian Family Pact and is already being held for the fourth time.
During a festive evening event at the Munich Residence, Bavaria's State Secretary for Economic Affairs, Roland Weigert, together with Bavaria's Minister for Family Affairs, Ulrike Scharf, presented awards to the most family-friendly companies in Bavaria.